Monday 7 July 2008

What makes Iran so confident?

World peace under threat

Claims that Iran wants to proceed with uranium enrichment in order to acquire a nuclear bomb are not to be taken lightly. Tehran has vehemently denied that it wants a nuclear bomb.

Despite this denial Iran's defiance and 'elimination of Israel from the face of the earth' war talk should not be allowed to go unchecked. This is hate speech and incitement to war and will do harm to the volatile Middle East region.

If Iran cannot recognize the state of Israel; obviously they will do anything in their power to destroy it, & what better way to do that than to get a nuclear bomb and drop it on the tiny state of Israel.

The haughtiness of Iran lies in the fact that it is the world's fourth largest oil producer. If it is attacked it might choke the supply of crude oil and this will lead to an undersupply and high prices. What a strategy to hold the world to ransom.

World leaders at the G8 summit in Japan should condemn Iran. Zimbabwe is a small issue as it is not likely to pose a threat to world peace

Should Israel attack Iran would it be justified to do so? You be the judge.

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