Wednesday, 14 October 2009

Inmate couch potato

Being a prisoner seems like going on a holiday.

According to a news report published on prison officials were taken to task by the correctional services potforlio committee for hiring a company to clean after prisoners and another to fix TV's in prisons.

It seems that the prisoners spend the whole day watching TV while hired cleaners tidy up for them. And when the TV's are not working technicians who are hired by the department of correctional services come and fix the TVs.

The chair of the correctional services portfolio committee, Vincent Smith, asked if they hired a company to clean for the prisoners and repair TV's for them while they (prisoners)sit the whole day doing nothing but watch TV.

It is no wonder some people don't mind to readily commit crimes. They know they will go to prison to laze around and become couch potatoes. The Diepkloof Prison is even known as Sun City Prison.

The recession has made life a bit difficult for me, so I'm simply gonna still steal a roasted mutton leg from Pick n Pay even though I don't eat meat and casually walk out of the shop so that I can get arrested. I wanna eat free, laze around, watch TV (though I'm not a TV fan) at taxpayer's expense.

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