Monday 9 March 2009

Time voters show ANC the door

The African National Congress has too much power for its own good. The release of Shabir Shaik from prison on medical grounds is unfair and unreasonable. The man was not terminally ill.

It is time Nqconde Balfour stepped down. In the past the Police and Prisons Civil Rights Union (Poprcu) called for his resignation and this is the right time for him to resign and save his department the embarrassment.

Shaik is the next president's friend and former financial adviser. It is clear the minister was acting on instructions from his masters within the ruling party. Besides, Shaik was going to be released sooner or later.

So justice favours the rich. Prison is a place for the poor who don't have money and political connections. I wonder what happended to "all shall be equal before the law." Evidently, some are more equal than others.

The only people who hold the power to stop the ANC's abuse of power is the voters.

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